Prophet Michael Dalton
Bringing Revelation To The Nations
Michael comes from a long line of ministers and preachers. Born again at 15 through an angelic encounter, he was then called into ministry at 16. Michael became the 4th generation in his family to answer the call of GOD. Serving faithfully in his local church, he learned to minster and love the people of God. Michael is currently a Prophet/Pastor for Desert Christian Community Church in Thousand Palms California. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Father’s Heart Ranch which is a group home for abused and neglected boys.
Mentored by Apostle Larry Draughn for over three years; he experienced what the call of prophet meant upon his life. God spoke in 2001 and told Michael to move to California where he formed YES Ministries in 2003. This is a ministry devoted to bringing prophetic clarity, divine breakthrough with evidence of miracles, signs, wonders and healings along with biblically sound teaching to the people of God.
GOD has taken this ministry to over 56 nations with signs following; including Mexico, Columbia, England, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Israel, Brazil, New Zealand, Russia and the United States.
Prophet Michael loves the WORD of GOD and teaches with wit, wisdom, skill & humor. Michael teaches Wednesday in the Word where his broadcasts are received throughout the world. Michael is a poet, playwright, singer, songwriter, author of several marketplace books, a businessman, and a consultant to government agencies, ministries, charities & young entrepreneurs in the areas of leadership, stress management, communications, time management & structure.
We believe the power of the Cross answers all the troubles man can face in life, and that GOD is still the GOD that answers by fire. Sicknesses healed, cancers dissolved, blind eyes opened, cripples walking, demons driven out, finances inexplicably turned around, marriages restored and things that just make no sense are both seen and reported regularly in and through this ministry. Michael asks that we join him in faith; for all of GOD’s promises are YES and Amen!